
what you're saying is really all marbles and mumbles to me.

For a minute I really cared about streetwear, because deep down, I do love it. I enjoy most things about the culture- or rather men who look fresh as hell, care about their clothing, who (I'm only assuming) make art, and skate. Then I began going to the stores and you know what? The people that work at them are elitist assholes. They don't pay attention to you if you don't already look like them, which is hilarious, because the entire skate-lifestyle is supposed to be based on acceptance of difference since skate-kids were the weirdos of the sports industry back in the day anyway. So now I have no interest in going back to Union, Dave's, or Supreme (ClassicKicks, Flight Club, WESC, and the boys at BAPE, I ain't got nothin' but love for ya baby).

I thought I'd stopped caring, but take a look at these:

Deluxe (a Japanese based brand) teamed up with Vans to create these beautiful Chukkas. I want them on my feet. I recently got my Mark Jacobs' Sk8-Hi's back, forcing me to remember how much I love special edition Vans. Vans Vans Vans. How you got my heart, I'm not quite sure, but I'll know you'll keep it safe and always looking fresh.


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